Position papers


Following the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)'s restriction proposal on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of PFAS, CEIR-Taps & Valves Europe has submitted its position in the public consultation.

Download the publication to read CEIR-Taps & Valves Europe views concerning the risks, socio-economic aspects, and alternative substances related to PFAS.

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Lead in its metallic form is proposed for inclusion on the list of substances subject to authorization (Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation). CEIR would like to highlight several important points that should be taken into consideration during the evaluation of this proposal.

Read the full statement below

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CEIR position paper on Cr3 Use 3 – December 2021

CEIR position paper on the Cr 3substitution plan for Use 3 (functional chrome plating with decorative character) prepared by the ECHA Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC).

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CEIR statement on Machinery Directive & Valves - June 2018

CEIR statement on the status of valves in relation to the Machinery Directive, as a reaction to the recent publication of a document from German associations, entitled “Guideline - Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC - Meaning for Valves” (original title “Leitfaden - Maschinenrichtlinie (2006/42/EG) - Bedeutung für Armaturen”).

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Joint industry recommendations on cybersecurity - June 2018

CEIR has co-signed a joint letter with other industries on the cybersecurity package in view of EU decision makers discussions. This joint-industry letter sets 3 key recommendations for a successful European cybersecurity certification framework.

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Contact with drinking water: CEIR calls for EU-wide harmonised requirements - February 2018

CEIR calls on EU decision makers to clarify the final objective of EU drinking water policy: the development of a fully harmonized regulatory framework on materials and products in contact with drinking water. If the future Directive cannot accommodate this harmonisation, CEIR calls on EU institutions to establish a specific standalone legislation.

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CEIR calls for an ambitious compromise on the revised EPBD - October 2017

The review of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) must ensure that EU legislation supports energy efficiency for all European citizens.

To deliver such benefits, the revised EPBD should encourage the installation of thermostatic radiator valves and hydronic balancing in new and existing buildings. Therefore, CEIR issued voting recommendations in view of the vote in the Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Committee of the European Parliament.

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CEIR – FECS joint position paper regarding standardisation of Building Information Modeling (BIM)

This joint position paper provides CEIR & FECS comments on ongoing standardisation activities related to BIM, notably the integration of ISO 16757 into EN standards covering BIM. This integration raises strong concerns from our industry, notably in terms of feasibility, liability and compatibility.

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CEIR comments on the draft ECHA guideline on the restriction of nickel – April 2017

CEIR believes that sanitary taps, including shower-heads and hand-showers, do not fall within the scope of the nickel restriction (REACH Regulation, Annex XVII, entry 27). Therefore, CEIR asks ECHA to amend its draft guideline on nickel restriction: shower-head handles should be removed from the list of articles falling within the scope of the nickel restriction.

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