What is CEIR?
The European Association for the Taps and Valves Industry (CEIR) was formed in 1959 as the European federation of national manufacturer associations. CEIR gathers together a large number of European manufacturers in the field of valves and fittings. CEIR supports the principles of a free economy and private enterprise in Europe as well as on a global basis. CEIR represents the common economic, technical and scientific interests of the European valve industries, in particular towards international authorities and economic and commercial circles.
CEIR is an associate member of the European umbrella industry federation Orgalim, Europe’s Technology Industries, comprised of 770,000 companies that innovate at the crossroads of digital and physical technology.
General Assembly
The General Assembly consists of all members of CEIR. It is to be held once a year, presided over by the CEIR President or the Vice-President. The General Assembly :
- Elects the CEIR Board and the Secretary General
- Is responsible for change of statutes
- Decides the guidelines for the yearly work-program and
- Fixes the guidelines for financial contributions.
CEIR is administered and controlled by a Board, which has to implement all decisions taken by the General Assembly and to deal with all matters of urgency occurring throughout the year. The Board also takes decisions about the financial needs of the association, it determines adequate yearly contributions to be paid by each member and controls the use made of them.
Within the organization of CEIR there are 3 committees following marketing and technical aspects.